Build Your Own SEO or Paid Media In-House Team With an Industry Leader

Welcome to our search marketing training services, designed to help your company build an in-house SEO or PPC team. Our training services are for new teams or departments looking to build an in-house SEM team. You may choose as many programs that you wish.

Training Programs

General SEO

Learn the basics of building on-page SEO campaigns that support your goals. Ideal for a new SEO team or department.

Tech SEO

Learn the basics of technical SEO, to understand and fix common roadblocks from a crawl-ability point-of-view.

Paid Media

Learn the basics of a properly designed PPC campaign. Ideal for new teams looking to begin maximizing ROI through ads.

What to Expect

Our expert trainers have a deep understanding of the search marketing landscape and deliver personalized training tailored to your business needs. We design training programs that align with your specific goals. Greenlane has partnered with some of the world’s top brands, giving us firsthand experience into the intricacies of building and optimizing high-performing in-house SEM teams.

Through these training sessions, which can be remote or in-person, you’ll be able to take control of your online presence and generate more leads, increase conversions, and grow your business. By the end, you will have the tools and knowledge to create effective search marketing campaigns and approach your marketing objectives. 

Sign up for our search marketing training services today and take the first step towards becoming a search marketing pro!